Something I loved about my old blog was writing regularly and sharing thoughts along with pictures from rides and adventures. This led to great friendships that have persisted though the years and personal growth as I processed my experiences in writing. My goal for 2020 is writing regularly as I share my journey of getting back to training consistently.
It all feels pretty overwhelming at the moment. I know the prevailing theory is that I’m super human but I promise I have moments of doubt and struggle the same as the rest of you. Starting off 2020 sick was not what I had intended but Marni helped me make the best of it today. I managed to renew my lapsed TrainingPeaks account, update the website and blog, and setup a doctor appointment for tomorrow.
The FOMO is strong when I’m stuck indoors but I’ll have to find a way to cope. In many ways my 2016 Tour Divide run is held up internally as an ideal and my life is even more complicated now. Teaching and coaching (athletics and otherwise) demand a huge chunk of time and then add the whole father of two boys thing and hours manage to slip away everywhere. Part of the reason I picked Canning Stock for this year, aside from being novel and exciting, is that I can slot it relatively perfectly into my open summer time frame for final preparations and travel. Hopefully that helps me get through the initial bumps of the new year and firing on all cylinders by spring break.
For better or worse, you’re all along for the ride now so we’ll find out together!